Sunday, 5 February 2012

Cognitivism ƪ (ººo)a

What is Cognitivism?

Cognitivism is a theory that stressed on internal or mental process (we can’t see). This theory believes that every people have belief, ideas, and principles that can be choose for him/her self.

Who are the experts and their theories?
  1.  Jerome Burner, his basic theory is human is a processor, thinker, and information creator. There are three cognitive processes such as getting new information, transforming that information, examine the relevancy and the appropriate knowledge.
  2.  David Ausubel, his theory stressed about knowledge that comes not because of discovery. Cognitive structure is important in build meaningful learning. The structure will become a concept and this kind of learning called memorizing.
  3. Jean Piaget, his theory tells about the stages of cognitivism.

What are the impacts to our (Indonesia's) education?

Indonesia uses this theory to shape a curriculum. Burner says there are four main aspect in learning, there are lesson's structure, learning readiness, intuition (a collection of intellectual technique to know whether the condition is right or wrong), and motivation.

My Idea:
This theory is important theory, especially because it stressed on the basic concept of someone knowledge to survive. This theory motivated people to inquire something.
There is nothing wrong with this thinking theory but we mustn’t push the students to memorizing as much as they can, in the other hand we must make a fun strategy to make them can shaped the right concept in their life.

Winataputra, Udin S, dkk. 2007. Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka


  1. woaaa... its good Yo
    hope we can do the best when we've worked then

    siwi mahanani 292010505

    1. wow Siwi.. its a miracle that you can comment here.... kkk~
